Data Analysis (Stat 206)
Brad Hartlaub
Fall 2023
R links
Math Science Skills Center
- Andrew Pilat will be your lead tutor. He will be available to help you on Tuesday and Thursday from 8:30 until 10:00 pm.
Daily Agendas
- August 25
- August 28
- August 30
- September 1 - Problem Session and Complete Chapter 0
- September 4
- September 6
- September 8 - Problem Session and Begin Chapter 2
- September 11
- September 13
- September 15 - Problem Session
- September 18
- September 20
- September 22 - Quiz #1 covering the material in Chapters 0, 1, and 2
- September 25
- September 27 - Problem Session
- September 29 - no class
- October 2
- October 4 - We agreed in class today that the two handouts (all subsets and permutation test for corelation will be due on Wednesday, October 11)
- October 9
- October 11 - Problem Session
- October 13 - Exam #1
- October 16 - Lab day to work on Unit A projects
- October 18 - Unit A presentations
- Nicky Forsyth - Population denstiy and the amount of crime in a city
- Alex Ramirez and Henry Rodrigues - Predicting ERA for MLB pitchers
- October 20 - Unit A presentations
- Andrew Mayer - Bullpen performance in MLB
- Luke Smallwood and Benny Abeysekera - Examining the impact of defensive statistics on winning percentage in NCAA basketball
- Nick Nelson - Predicting winning percentage of NCAA basketball teams
- October 23 - Unit A presentations
- Kate Lengel - Models for predicting GDP
- Moe Belghith - Models for predicting income
- Joey Sion - Evaluating models for suicide rates and depression
- October 25 - Unit A presentations
- Elts Maricq and Maya Vaccaro - Bison body size and climate change
- Simone Morrow - Models for lukemia survival time
- Drake Lewis and Jason Harmer - Predicting yards from scrimmage for rookie running backs in the NFL
- October 27
- October 30
- November 1
- November 3
- November 6
- November 8
- November 10
- November 13
- November 15 - Problem Session
- November 17 - Complete problem session and Chapter 9 - Your take-home quiz is due before the end of the day.
- November 27 - Unit B presentations
- Simone Morrow - Examining Effects of Experience, Education, and Gender on Average Salary
- Alex Ramirez and Henry Rodrigues - Freedom's Impact: Predicting Standard of Living
- Nicky Forsyth - MLB batting averages
- Luke Smallwood - Literacy rate disparity
- November 29 - Unit B presentations
- Kate Lengel - Modeling Economic and Educational Disparities between U.S. Census Regions
- Benny Abeysekera - Kershaw's "Nasty" Pitching Statistics
- Maya Vaccaro - Effect of AMF, drought, and nitrogen deposition on grassland micorcosms
- Drake Lewis and Jason Harmer - ANOVA and ANCOVA for NBA Player Salaries in 2022-23
- Decmber 1 - Exam #2
- December 4 - Unit B presentations
- Nick Nelson - ANOVA and ANCOVA models for math assessments
- Andrew Mayer - ANOVA and ANCOVA models for the NBA
- Elts Maricq and Moe Belghith - Evaporative water loss on frog skin in different habitats
- December 6 - lab time for final projects
- December 8 - individual progress meetings and lab time for final projects
- December 13 - Final projects are due by 8:30 am
Homework Assignments
- Your solutions must be submitted electronically to your Google Drive folder. You must submit a PDF of your solutions using a very specific naming structure. For example, the name of the file for the first homework assignment should be HW1-Stat206-yourname.PDF
- HW #1 - due on Monday, September 4
- HW #2 - due on Monday, September 11
- HW #3 - due on Monday, September 18
- HW #4 - due on Wednesday, September 27
- HW #5 - due on Wednesday, October 11
- Unit A Project Proposal - In your Unit A project, you should compare and contrast at least three possible models for a response variable of interest. After you describe the problem of interest and your data, you should use the choose, fit, assess, and use steps to make appropriate inferences and comparisons. Your analysis should include at least one formal inference (hypothesis test) and appropriate confidence intervals or prediction intervals. You may work with one partner on this Unit A project if you prefer. Your proposal should be sent to me via email on or before October 16 and include a short statement about your problem of interest, a description of your data, and a proposed date for your presentation to the class. Presentations will begin on Wednesday, October 18. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me.
- HW #6 - due on Wednesday, November 1
- HW #7 - due on Wednesday, November 8
- HW #8 - due on Wednesday, November 15 (We will have a problem session on Wednesday, November 15.)
- Unit B project proposal - due on before Wednesday, November 15 - Your group presentation should compare and contrast ANOVA or ANCOVA models we have discussed in class to a real data set or data from an experiment of interest to you. After you describe the problem of interest and your data, you should use the choose, fit, assess, and use steps to make appropriate inferences and comparisons. Your analysis should include formal inferences (hypothesis tests) and appropriate multiple comparisons procedures. Your presentation should be approximately 15 minutes. Please create a folder with your names under the !Unit B Projects folder on Google Drive and drop your files (including the data set(s), R script, and PPT or PDF slides) into the folder before your presentation. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me. Please send me your proposals via email and include the names of the people in your group and a preferred date (on or before November 29) for your presentation.
- Take-home quiz - due on Friday, November 17
- HW #9 - due on Wednesday, November 29
- Final project proposal - due on or before Monday, December 4
Sample Exams
- See !Exam and Quiz Samples on our Google Drive folder.
Interesting Links
Data Sources